Green Retail Project Commences in India

May 22, 2013

In the First Partners Meeting ASSIST officially launched a 4-year EU-funded project called “Green Retail” in India Habitat Center, New Delhi on February 4 and 5, 2013.


Ms. Seema Arora and Mr. Shikhar Jain, both from CII-CESD, officially introduced the project to all participants and invited partners to jointly achieve the set of objectives. Ms. Sarojini Kaul from the European delegation to India then emphasized the importance of retailers’ commitment to embrace sustainable practices. Mr. Muralidharan and Mr. T. Rajachidambaram, Executive Director and Technical Director of ASSIST respectively, discussed the project background and the benefits it will bring.


Green Retail is the only project from India approved in the 4th batch of year 2012 within the SWITCH Asia programme, initiated by the European Union. Within the project scope, supply chain of 5 large retail chains and 300+ SME’s in India will be addressed, whereas sustainable practices will be enhanced in strategy, operations, marketing and other important business areas. Among the Green Retail activities, guidelines for green stores and green supply chain program will be created, as well as a communication platform for farmers and retailers will be established and SME advisory centres will be launched. The project will also promote collaboration between Indian and European retailers and will organise exposure visits and business meetings to promote meaningful partnerships and sharing of experience.