Human Development

Improving people’s quality of life, especially those from marginalized and underserved communities is critical to achieving social improvement and sustainable growth. It is important for them to have the skills needed to advance in present economies, the freedom to live and work in safe and healthy environments and a voice to secure basic human needs. Our work in human development are strongly tied to inclusive and sustainable development. We focus on promoting vocational education, advancing basic education, improving public health and ensuring social protection.


ASSIST’s vocational education work focuses on developing the labour market by equipping workers with green skills and ensuring that workplace practices, operations and management comply with environmental, health and safety standards. In public health, we use technology to increase people’s awareness on specific health issues like adolescent reproductive health and mosquito borne diseases. We also improve marginalized sectors’ access to social protection through awareness raising interventions for all stakeholders and through research studies. We are also constantly involved in improving basic education by supplementing the curriculum with topics that we think need to be taught  such as, disaster risk reduction and management.

Our work directly results in human development, improving people’s quality of life while achieving sustainable development.


Good Health and Well-Being (SDG 3)

Quality Education (SDG 4)

Gender Equality (SDG 5)

Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8)

Reduced Inequality (SDG 10)

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG 16)

Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17)

Vocational Education

Promoting market-based vocational education to develop employability is imperative for a stable ecosystem of industry and labor market. Our interventions…

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Labor Market Development

Addressing unemployment and underemployment crisis require the formulation of policies and the creation of institutional conditions that address labor supply…

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Social Enterprise

Social enterprises have emerged as modern sources of innovative and permanent solutions to intractable problems in society, incubating and iterating…

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Public Health

Access to good health and social equality are cornerstones of a sustainable community. We strive to achieve this through strategic…

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Social Protection

Empowering marginalized and vulnerable groups through capacity building and poverty reduction interventions is at the heart of ASSIST’s work. We…

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