CoopEnable: Empowering the Future of Farming

Marking the project’s successful conclusion, a closing ceremony was held last July 23 for CoopEnable (Enabling, Building Cooperative Capacity), at Nam Can Tho University, in Can Tho province, Vietnam.

CoopEnable is a project implemented by ASSIST Vietnam, cofinanced by KfW DEG and SGS Vietnam which was formed to address the needs of both the farmers and the consumers by strengthening the farmers’ competitiveness through an effective model for cooperative development. Throughout the project, 6 agriculture cooperatives were trained and consulted on Global GAP, of which 4 cooperatives were assessed and granted with Global and/or Local GAP certificates.

For the training sessions, 62 farmers and experts received training on Global GAP and were qualified as advisors. A total of 946 individuals were also trained on basic requirements of Global GAP while 3 local SGS experts were sent to Cologne, Germany, and received qualification as Global GAP Auditors.

The CoopEnable project has helped expand SGS Vietnam’s market and business opportunities in the Mekong Delta region through the network developed during the course. SGS will continue to engage local and international authorities and stakeholders to take on other initiatives on food safety and hygiene in the future.