ASSIST engages in the EU SWITCH-Asia Networking Event in Nepal

July 12, 2013

ASSIST and GPIoS team participated in the SWITCH-Asia Networking Event in Kathmandu, Nepal on June 17-20, 2013.


ASSIST was represented by Sreenivas Narayanan, Group Managing Director and the team behind the Green Philippines Islands of Sustainability (GPIoS) project, Wilson Baldonado, Sr. Technical Consultant, Juvy P. Stummer, Project Manager, Lukas Stummer, Associate Sustainability Officer. Other participants from ASSIST are from SEID project (Nepal and Bhutan) and Green Retail Project (India).


160 participants attended the event. The SWITCH-Asia Network Facility is set up to gather individuals from different sector to maximize its impact by effective knowledge sharing and networking. During the event, Sreeni Narayanan presented one example of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in the virtual planet which is the Knowledge Management System of Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECPnet). A session on Communication lab took place and served as the platform for interactive session focusing on how to effectively communicate to target group the SCP initiatives of the EU SWITCH-Asia projects.


GPIoS Project Manager, Juvy P. Stummer, presented the Social Media Case Study on the success of the Zero Carbon Resorts (ZCR) Project as one of the best examples. The ZCR website effectively reach out to more than 600 SMEs all throughout the Philippines tourism sector with the Key Message To use locally available appropriate technologies to reduce energy consumption. The ZCR provides venue to download resource materials that will serve as their guide for implementation of environmental measures and best practice examples from other participating resorts.