ASSIST organizes a series of Prize and Giveaway Distribution Ceremonies in Nepal

January 29, 2015

As part of Sustainable & Efficient Industrial Development (SEID) project, ASSIST held a series of Prize and Giveaway Distribution Ceremonies last December 8, December 12, and December 28 in three different schools in Nepal.


The winning drawings from each school were chosen according to the relevance of theme, visual appeal and message conveyed. Such activity was organized to raise awareness and to encourage more students to participate and be a member of Green Clubs Nepal – an initiative under the SEID project.


SEID is a 4-year project funded and supported by the European Union under the Switch Asia Programme. The project targets the Tourism and Agro Based Industries of Nepal and Bhutan. The key objective of this project is to contribute towards sustainable development of Nepal and Bhutan’s economy with clear focus on national industrial sectors that impact environment and which have a huge potential for foreign exchange earnings, employment generation and poverty alleviation.


12/08/2014 Prithvi School, Kathmandu


 Date: 12/12/2014 Padma College, Bhaktapur

 Date: 12/28/2014 Vidhyarti Niketan School