ASSIST Goes on NCPC Mission in Ukraine

May 22, 2013

Within the existing agreement with GIZ, ASSIST’s Regional Director, Aru David, and Social Initiatives & Enterprises Manager, Olga Babina, conducted a 3-day organizational diagnosis for the Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production Centre in Kiev, Ukraine on March 5-7, 2013.


This trip wrapped up ASSIST’s involvement into the GIZ-supported project “Capacity Development for Promoting a Resource Efficient and Environment Oriented Private Sector”. In December 2012, ASSIST performed similar interventions at the National Cleaner Production Centres (NCPCs) in South Africa and Vietnam. The main objective of the project, of which organizational diagnosis is only the 1st step, is to help NCPCs provide institutionally and financially sustainable services for small and medium-sizes enterprises in line with their needs. In such way the ultimate goal is to make NCPCs more business-oriented and less dependent on their creator and curator – UNIDO.


The organizational diagnosis in Kiev proved to be successful with all employees of the Centre joining the sessions, actively contributing to the discussions and openly discussing ongoing concerns. The intervention was also attended by Kiev Polytechnic Institute faculty, as well as UNIDO representatives, Petra Schwager and Maria Grineva.


To optimize ASSIST’s stay in snowy Ukraine, Aru and Olga also paid a visit to the local offices of AHK, Dekra and TUV Nord, in order to explore possibilities to cooperate in the future.